
As a preface to any contact being made: Please remain kind and courteous. The people we reach out to are good people who are doing their jobs. We want to build a partnership with them. We want to help them see the vision for Floyds Fork. We are not against developments and we are not against growth. We just want our city and developers to protect the Floyds Fork watershed. We don't want them to alter, fill, or build in the floodplain. We want them to respect, honor and even strengthen the Floyds Fork Development Review Overlay (DRO). As the proverb states: "A gentle answer deflects anger, but harsh words make tempers flare."

Louisville Metro Council

Louisville Metro Council is responsible for the Land Development Code. All modifications must be considered and approved by them. In order for substantial change to happen, they must know about your concerns.


MSD is responsible for ensuring all regulations regarding water and sewage are followed. All major subdivision proposed within Jefferson County must submit their plans to MSD. MSD is responsible for monitoring the developers adherence to the proposal. They are also responsible for ensuring that any development proposed will have the same pre and post flood storage and flood retention and that there is no additional runoff, additional chemicals, or waste being added to the river.

Planning Commission

The Planning Commission is responsible for voting on Floyds Fork Special District proposals. Since Floyds Fork does not have its own Committee or Director, the Planning Commission serves as the protector and guardian of maintaining this district's form, function and character.


USGS is responsible for three data sites along Floyds Fork. They are a data collection agency and provide valuable data regarding the height, speed, cloudiness, and oxygen levels within Floyds Fork.


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