Within Jefferson County, Floyds Fork is arguably the best location for birding. Here is a list of the birds witnessed by my family while visiting Floyds Fork with the highlights being the Bald Eagle, the Osprey, the Sandhill Cranes and Northern Orioles. One time we enjoyed watching two adult Bald Eagles and a juvenile flying overhead for over 10 minutes.
Within Jefferson County, Floyds Fork is arguably the best location for birding. Here is a list of the birds witnessed by my family while visiting Floyds Fork with the highlights being the Bald Eagle, the Osprey, the Sandhill Cranes and Northern Orioles. One time we enjoyed watching two adult Bald Eagles and a juvenile flying overhead for over 10 minutes.
Our Current Birding List: 104 unique birds
Our Current Birding List: 104 unique birds
Most recent addition: Yellow-crowned Night Heron
Most recent addition: Yellow-crowned Night Heron
1. Acadian Flycatcher
1. Acadian Flycatcher
2. American Crow
2. American Crow
3. American Goldfinch
3. American Goldfinch
4. American Kestrel
4. American Kestrel
5. American Redstart
5. American Redstart
6. American Robin
6. American Robin
7. Ash-throated Flycatcher
7. Ash-throated Flycatcher
8. Bald Eagle
8. Bald Eagle
9. Barn Swallow
9. Barn Swallow
10. Barred Owl
10. Barred Owl
11. Bay-breasted Warbler*
11. Bay-breasted Warbler*
12. Belted Kingfisher
12. Belted Kingfisher
13. Black-and-white Warbler*
13. Black-and-white Warbler*
14. Black-crowned Night Heron*
14. Black-crowned Night Heron*
15. Black Poll Warbler*
15. Black Poll Warbler*
16. Black Vulture
16. Black Vulture
17. Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher*
17. Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher*
18. Blue Jay
18. Blue Jay
19. Blue-headed Vireo*
19. Blue-headed Vireo*
20. Brown Creeper
20. Brown Creeper
21. Brown Thrasher
21. Brown Thrasher
22. Brown-headed Cowbird
22. Brown-headed Cowbird
23. Canada Geese
23. Canada Geese
24. Cape May Warbler*
24. Cape May Warbler*
25. Carolina Chickadee
25. Carolina Chickadee
26. Carolina Wren
26. Carolina Wren
27. Cedar Waxwing
27. Cedar Waxwing
28. Chestnut Sided Warbler
28. Chestnut Sided Warbler
29. Chimney Swift
29. Chimney Swift
30. Chipping Sparrow
30. Chipping Sparrow
31. Cliff Swallow
31. Cliff Swallow
32. Common Grackle
32. Common Grackle
33. Common Yellowthroat
33. Common Yellowthroat
34. Cooper’s Hawk
34. Cooper’s Hawk
35. Dark-eyed Junco
35. Dark-eyed Junco
36. Downy Woodpecker
36. Downy Woodpecker
37. Eastern Bluebird
37. Eastern Bluebird
38. Eastern Kingbird
38. Eastern Kingbird
39. Eastern Phoebe
39. Eastern Phoebe
40. Eastern Screech-owl
40. Eastern Screech-owl
41. Eastern Wood-Pewee
41. Eastern Wood-Pewee
42. European Starling
42. European Starling
43. Eastern Towhee
43. Eastern Towhee
44. Gray Catbird
44. Gray Catbird
45. Great Blue Heron
45. Great Blue Heron
46. Great Crested Flycatcher
46. Great Crested Flycatcher
47. Great Egret
47. Great Egret
48. Great Horned Owl
48. Great Horned Owl
49. Green Heron
49. Green Heron
50. Hairy Woodpecker
50. Hairy Woodpecker
51. House Finch
51. House Finch
52. House Sparrow
52. House Sparrow
53. House Wren
53. House Wren
54. Indigo Bunting
54. Indigo Bunting
55. Killdeer
55. Killdeer
56. Louisiana Waterthrush
56. Louisiana Waterthrush
57. Magnolia Warbler
57. Magnolia Warbler
58. Mallard
58. Mallard
59. Mourning Dove
59. Mourning Dove
60. Northern Cardinal
60. Northern Cardinal
61. Northern Flicker
61. Northern Flicker
62. Northern Mockingbird
62. Northern Mockingbird
63. Northern “Baltimore” Oriole
63. Northern “Baltimore” Oriole
64. Northern Parula
64. Northern Parula
65. Northern Waterthrush
65. Northern Waterthrush
66. Orchard Oriole*
66. Orchard Oriole*
67. Osprey
67. Osprey
68. Palm Warbler*
68. Palm Warbler*
69. Philadelphia Vireo*
69. Philadelphia Vireo*
70. Pileated Woodpecker
70. Pileated Woodpecker
71. Prairie Warbler*
71. Prairie Warbler*
72. Purple Martin
72. Purple Martin
73. Red-bellied Woodpecker
73. Red-bellied Woodpecker
74. Red-eyed Vireo*
74. Red-eyed Vireo*
75. Red-headed Woodpecker
75. Red-headed Woodpecker
76. Red-shouldered Hawk
76. Red-shouldered Hawk
77. Red-tailed Hawk
77. Red-tailed Hawk
78. Red-winged Blackbird
78. Red-winged Blackbird
79. Red-winged Hawk
79. Red-winged Hawk
80. Ring-billed Gull
80. Ring-billed Gull
81. Rose-breasted Grosbeak
81. Rose-breasted Grosbeak
82. Ruby-throated Hummingbird
82. Ruby-throated Hummingbird
83. Sandhill Crane
83. Sandhill Crane
84. Scarlet Tanager
84. Scarlet Tanager
85. Song Sparrow
85. Song Sparrow
86. Summer Tananger
86. Summer Tananger
87. Tennessee Warbler
87. Tennessee Warbler
88. Tree Swallow
88. Tree Swallow
89. Tufted Titmouse
89. Tufted Titmouse
90. Turkey Vulture
90. Turkey Vulture
91. Veery (?)
91. Veery (?)
92. White-breasted Nuthatch
92. White-breasted Nuthatch
93. White-crowned Sparrow
93. White-crowned Sparrow
94. White-eyed Vireo*
94. White-eyed Vireo*
95. White-throated Sparrow
95. White-throated Sparrow
96. Wild Turkey
96. Wild Turkey
97. Wood Duck
97. Wood Duck
98. Wood Thrush
98. Wood Thrush
99. Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
99. Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
100. Yellow-billed Cuckoo
100. Yellow-billed Cuckoo
101. Yellow-breasted Chat*
101. Yellow-breasted Chat*
102. Yellow-crowned Night Heron
102. Yellow-crowned Night Heron
103. Yellow-rumped Warbler
103. Yellow-rumped Warbler
104. Yellow-throated Warbler
104. Yellow-throated Warbler
The young life in a robin's nest.
The young life in a robin's nest.
This free app is a great way to learn about birds, helps you identify them, and even to learn their calls.
This free app is a great way to learn about birds, helps you identify them, and even to learn their calls.