Photo by Gary Whitton @ Ultimate Places Photography
Louisville boasts 31 miles of beauty
Floyds Fork is more than just a waterway. It is a source of incredible beauty. It is healing to the soul. There is a calmness that comes with just sitting by the water's edge and breathing. Soak in a sunrise, watch the bass swim, listen to the birds sing, and catch the scurrying of woodland animals. Just sit by the water, breathe deeply, and let the hectic pace of this life wash downstream.
Photo by Gary Whitton @ Ultimate Places Photography
Photo by Gary Whitton @ Ultimate Places Photography
People travel the world in search of beauty because beauty is far deeper than simply "pretty to look at";
Beauty refreshes the soul;
Beauty heals the heart;
Beauty inspires the mind.
Louisville is blessed with 31 miles of pure beauty, and it is accessible every day of the year!
The life and beauty of Floyds Fork spreads far beyond the water's edge.
Photo by Lisa Woods (Louisville Photographic Society)
Photo by Sheila Howard (Louisville Photographic Society)
Photo by Sheila Howard (Louisville Photographic Society)