Siltation is the flow of silt and sediment into the river. The particles become suspended in the river and accumulate on the riverbed. Siltation causes problems for fish, mussels and other aquatic organisms.
Siltation is the flow of silt and sediment into the river. The particles become suspended in the river and accumulate on the riverbed. Siltation causes problems for fish, mussels and other aquatic organisms.

Up for a swim? How about the fish?
Up for a swim? How about the fish?
Turbidity is the term for water clarity, but no need for a fancy word to say unswimmable, unlivable. It's actually much worse for the animals. Water animals can't live in dirt.
Turbidity is the term for water clarity, but no need for a fancy word to say unswimmable, unlivable. It's actually much worse for the animals. Water animals can't live in dirt.
Normally this water is crystal clear. This isn't just the ground getting kicked up. The banks are eroding and washing downstream. You are looking at someone's yard floating by.
Normally this water is crystal clear. This isn't just the ground getting kicked up. The banks are eroding and washing downstream. You are looking at someone's yard floating by.
Where is all this dirt coming from you ask?
Where is all this dirt coming from you ask?
Developments like these are not helping the situation.
Developments like these are not helping the situation.
Straight to the river
Straight to the river
Straight to the river
Straight to the river
Straight to the river
Straight to the river
Straight to the river
Straight to the river