Ordinances and Resolutions

Metro Council Ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances Chapter 157 related to Floodplain regulations
Even though Floyds Fork is the largest waterway in all of Jefferson County, it was the only waterway that did not have a 1.5 compensation ratio. This amendment brings Floyds Fork compensation to be equal with the rest of the Metro Louisville. In reality, the largest watershed should have a larger compensation than other waterways, but this amendment is at least directionally correct.

Metro Council Resolution requesting the Planning Commission review the Floyds Fork DRO.
Planning Commission and its staff shall undertake a review of the Floyds Fork Special District in Chapter 3, Part 1 of the LDC, with such review to include a review of the recommendations contained in the Vision Plan as well as to consider whether a development review overlay committee, consisting of environmental experts and community members, should be established to work in concert with the Planning Commission and Staff in order to better review environmental issues relating to development within the Floyds Fork DRO, and develop recommendations thereto to the Council.