Parklands Terrace
Start with ~100% tree canopy
Start with ~100% tree canopy
4 parcels combine to make this location that is in the environmentally sensitive area of the Floyds Fork DRO.
Propose 160 Apartments
Propose 160 Apartments
The proposal is to use the existing historical home as a club house and surround it with asphalt and concrete. The back half of the property is on steep slopes. Notice the lack of water detention!
Wonder why Louisville is considered a island
Wonder why Louisville is considered a island
Our city is spending millions of dollars to reforest areas while developers continue to pursue these egregious developmental ideas.

Case Manager: Dante St. Germain
Case Manager: Dante St. Germain
Representative: Dinsmore & Shohl, LLP
Representative: Dinsmore & Shohl, LLP
Developer: Vantage Point LLC
Developer: Vantage Point LLC
Design Engineer: Land Design & Development, Inc
Design Engineer: Land Design & Development, Inc
Owner: Vantage Point LLC
Owner: Vantage Point LLC
Vantage Point, LLC
Vantage Point, LLC
This is the initial neighborhood meeting invitation.
Location: Lake Forest Lodge, 511 Woodlake Drive, Louisville, KY 40245
Date: Tuesday, 8/16/22
Time: 6:30 PM
Case Number: 22-ZONEPA-0109 (currently on hold)
Case Number: 22-ZONEPA-0109 (currently on hold)
FF DRO: 100%
FF DRO: 100%
Proposal: Build 160 apartments in the Floyds Fork DRO and wipe out several acres of trees canopy all while adding nearly 1,000 daily car trips (according to ITE) along an extremely dangerous section of Shelbyville Rd.
Proposal: Build 160 apartments in the Floyds Fork DRO and wipe out several acres of trees canopy all while adding nearly 1,000 daily car trips (according to ITE) along an extremely dangerous section of Shelbyville Rd.