Johnson Rd

APPROVED: 9/23/24

Case Manager: Dante St. Germain

Representative: Bardenwerper, Talbott, & Roberts, PLLC

Developer: Highgates Development

Design Engineer: Mindel Scott

Owner: Jean Rueff

Johnson Rd Residential

Case Number: 22-MSUB-0004

Location: Development is 0.6 miles South of Aiken Rd (site of another development just approved)


Proposal: A major subdivision with 81 houses and 80 apartments in the DRO with over 21 houses and two cul-de-sacs requiring the floodplain to be filled. 

Since the Floyds Fork Special District was set aside to remain agricultural and recreational, the average lot size per residence is currently 9.4 acres! Additionally, since these houses would be below the street level, a sewage pump would be required.  

To build within the flood plain, the developer would be required to raise each house and street to 2' above the 100-year flood plain. Additionally, the developer would have to put in flood retention and flood storage basins. While these basins are designed to protect the houses being built from the 100-year flood, they do NOT protect from the 200-, 300-, or 500-year floods. They also maker smaller (10-, 50-, 99-year) flood events much worse for everyone downstream! 

The increased erosion is evident along the banks and is due to the impact of smaller flood events being channeled and no longer going into previous flood plain (storage) areas. 

Please email Ms. St. Germain 

Please email your Council Member to let them know that Floyds Fork must be protected