English Station



Case Manager: Joel Dock

Representative: Bardenwerper, Talbott, & Roberts, PLLC

Design Engineer: Sabak, Wilson & Lingo

Developer: 2nds in Building Materials

Owner: 2nds in Building Materials

2nds in Building Materials

Case Number: 21-ZONE-0095

Location: Enghlish Station and Echo Trail


Proposal: Retail and storage for salvaged building materials and calls for the reuse of structures associated with the past agricultural land use of the property, 25,000 sq. ft. building addition, garden center, outdoor storage, and associated parking.

21-ZONE-0095_LDT Staff Report 060922.pdf

Staff Report

Primary Concerns

Interested Party Comments

21-ZONE-0095_Interested Party Comments.pdf

Additional Comments

21-ZONE-0095_Interested Party Communications_Last Updated 060322.pdf

On 9/23/21 The Parklands of Floyds Fork intended to "vehemently oppose the proposed rezoning and development plans" due to the five reasons listed above.

However, on 3/17/22 The Parklands of Floyds Fork indicated that they would no longer oppose this use of the property as submitted, but they would also not support it.  There were FIVE very important concerns causing them to say they would vehemently oppose this development. You may wonder, how was this developer able to satisfy them.

You may read for yourself, the developer only addressed one of the concerns: the entrance. 

Nothing else changed. They are still adding 3.25 acres of impervious surfaces (according to the proposal, which is 20,000 sq ft more than what The Parklands even thought). There will still be semi-trailers in a rural area, congestion, and water run off issues.

These issues raised by The Parklands are not minor concerns. 

For additional information, read the letters written by: 

All these letters are in the 21-ZONE-0095 Interested Party Comments document.

Please email the case manager today and let the Planning Commission know you are against this proposal.