Aiken North

APPROVED: 9/23/21



Case Manager: Joel Dock

Representative: Bardenwerper, Talbott, & Roberts, PLLC

Developer: Perfection Builders

Design Engineer: Mindel Scott

Owner: Multiple Owners

Aiken North Subdivision

Case Number: 21-ZONE-0001

Location: Aiken Rd, across from Johnson Rd

FF DRO: 50% (updated since approval to move units OUT of the DRO and added intensity closer to Aiken Rd.)

Proposal: Add 460+ houses to the Floyds Fork DRO; add 866 houses in total to the watershed with the plan to expand to ~1,150+ houses and apts; no access to a public park, no public transit, sidewalks, or bike paths. An extremely dangerous, unsafe development.

We are taking beautiful land set aside for recreational and agricultural uses and turning them into environmental disasters.  

Building without margin

This APPROVED major subdivision is located on Aiken Rd at the end of Johnson Rd within the DRO.  The blue highlighted area is all within the DRO. The "Green Space" in the bottom right corner will not remain green space but is planned for future growth and development. Thus, this development located along a 1/2 mile of Floyds Fork will start with 866 houses and grow to over 1,000 with no playground, no club house, no recreational areas at all. The "green space" for these people will be the perennial stream that cuts through the property (that can't be developed) along with the trenches the developer will have to dig in order to retain the water runoff.  The average size property within the DRO North of Shelbyville Rd is 9.4 acres. These lot sizes of 0.0688 acres! 

This development was approved unanimously by the Planning Commission. Since it was a zoning change from R-4 to PRD this had to go before Metro Council for a vote and was unanimously approved. When the Council Members were asked about these unanimous votes, the reply was "Well, no one spoke up against it.

Approved Plan


(Pg 7 has the plat)

Watching the video of the Planning Commission meeting, there was one neighbor that did speak up against it, stating that there have been a large number of developments in the area and adding another 866 houses to an already strained area was unwarranted. Sadly, instead of listening, the Planning Commissioner shot him down. She said he needed to focus on this specific development.  Interestingly, the lawyer for the developer had just finished discussing all the hotels that had been built trying to show the growth in the area justified this development. However, hotels would not be used by residents of a neighborhood, but the Planning Commission did not shoot down the lawyer requesting he "focus on this specific development". 

With this new development, there will be over 500 houses in a 1/2 mile stretch of Floyds Fork. 20% of all residents within the Floyds Fork DRO (31 miles of river!) will now be in this one development.  Our representatives blame us for not speaking up even though the DRO code is very specific and has already been voted on and passed multiple times over the last 30 years. 

The environmental impact alone is enough to make anyone sit up and wonder what's going on here! This doesn't even include traffic, sidewalks, buses, actual green spaces, playgrounds, etc. We, as a city, must become serious about protecting Floyds Fork and building responsibly.  

PC Approved changes

The Red section has been updated and will now be attached single family townhouses.

The Green section is being reduced to ensure the overall development does not exceed 866 units.

Updated section of townhouses

Red section in graphic above.


Watch the Planning Commission hearing (starts at 1:10:00)


Updated section near Floyds Fork


This section is located in the back of the approved subdivision.

Currently going through the Office of Planning. Case Manager: Kaitlin Dever

*ACTION ITEM* Email Case Manager requesting applicant to remove lots from conveyance zone (red) and floodplain (blue line)

Newest proposal to Aiken North: will be a zone change

This section is proposed for the area along Aiken Rd.

See Aiken North Mixed for more information.