ZOD/FF Pressure
See below for the breakdown of each development.
Approved: 237 houses in the FF DRO; many units drain directly to Floyds Fork
Approved: 866+ houses
Proposed: Adding 8+ acres of impervious surface, wiping out 6+ acres of mature tree canopy
Proposed: 252 apartments, retail stores, restaurants, and gas stations
Curry Farms
177 dwellings in the FF Watershed
Approved: Add 137 houses in the FF DRO
Approved: 161 houses and apartments; entirely in the DRO; 26+ in the current floodplain
On Hold: 160 apartments in the FF DRO, wiping out several acres of tree canopy
Approved: 334 houses; development did back out of the DRO! Heavily impacting the FF Watershed.
Approved: 735 storage units in the FF DRO
Approved: 29 houses in the watershed with 2 in the DRO
Denied: 103 houses entirely in the DRO
Approved: 600 houses in the FF watershed; originally backed out of the DRO but new proposal on 8/8 has 104 additional houses in the DRO
Approved: 206 dwelling units in the Floyds Fork watershed. Filling in floodplains and wetlands.
Approved: JCPS Middle School entirely in DRO
Approved: Indoor and outdoor Athletic Facility in the DRO. Designer has engineered helpful and creative solutions to protect the Floyds Fork corridor
Approved: Develop a tract that is entirely in the DRO; converting 3.86 acres that is 0% impervious to 46% impervious.
Approved: 243 houses; 190 apartments in the FF Watershed; development backed out of the DRO! Endangering Big Run Creek
Extension Approved: 624 lots in the FF Watershed
Proposed: Adding 356 houses to the already approved 433 adjacent all in the FF Watershed
Approved: ~700 houses and 350 apartments in the FF Watershed; backed out of the FF DRO; endangering Old Mans Run
Approved: 135 units to the DRO; Filling in the floodplain, trenching the floodway
Floyds Fork: enters northeast Metro Louisville and exits into Bullitt County 31 miles downstream
The FF watershed is the largest in Metro Louisville