Reporting Concerns & Violations

“If you don’t tell us, 

we don’t know about it.”

Metro Louisville Codes and Regulations Director Richard Price 

“If you think we are looking into it, we aren't.”

Metro Louisville Codes and Regulations Mgmt

Our city must have a different plan! 

The Office of Planning approves plans and expects residents to report the illegal activity!

Metro Louisville is depending on citizens to let them know when something is broken, not working as intended, or violations are occurring. Metro 311 is one way to notify Metro Louisville of these non-emergency problems or concerns. Another way to hold those impacting our community accountable is to submit an Open Records Request (O.R.R.). 

Select the concern type (Tree Canopy, LDC Violation, Pothole); adding pictures are helpful. Submit a Metro 311 request here

After submitted (sometimes days later) you will get an email with a 311 Case number. Forward that to your metro council member. 

Download, complete, and sign the KYTC Form OAG-01. Then email the signed form to

Below are some Metro 311 or O.R.R. submissions that local residents have submitted.

Illegal Encroachment

Illegal encroachments (similar to this one on KY 1531) should be reported to Metro 311.  State roads should also be reported to KYTC.

Illegal Encroachment

Illegal encroachments (similar to this one on KY 1531) should be reported to Metro 311.  State roads should also be reported to KYTC.

Illegal Clearing of Tree Canopy

Landscape Plan was disregarded and the approved Tree Protection Area was illegally removed and clearly damaged. Tree Canopy Violations should be reported to Metro 311 and Metro Council.

Dangerous Roadways

This drop-off along US60 was exposed after trees were removed, creating a very dangerous situation. Temporary barriers have been implemented until a permanent barrier is installed. State roads should also be reported to KYTC.

Clearing Concern

This was an approved Tree Protection Area, but in this case PDS said this wasn't "cleared" but "bushhogged." MSD said they will monitor the area and ensure the erosion and siltation plans are followed.

Illegal Signage

Signs in the right-of-way as well as any unapproved signs are in violation and should be turned into Metro 311 and PDS.

JCPS Driving on Wrong Side of Roadway

JCPS driver turned into oncoming traffic due to the failing nature of this intersection. This concern was reported to State and Local Representatives as well as JCPS. 

Siltation in Roadway

Construction mud and debris in the roadway should be reported to Metro 311 / MSD.  

Gravel in Roadway

Construction rock and debris in the roadway should be reported to Metro 311 / MSD.  

MSD / Siltation Concern

Siltation makes its way to our waterways and should be reported to Metro 311 / MSD.  

Silt Fence Violations

Silt fences keep construction site debris contained. When not installed or maintained properly, trash and rock get into our streets and waterways, and unnecessary flooding will occur. Failing silt fences should be reported to Metro 311 / MSD.  

Flooding Concerns

Improper building practices cause flooding in our streets. Flooding concerns should be reported to Metro 311 / MSD.  


The time of the year (or, sadly, the amount of development happening in the area) will determine how quickly and efficiently potholes will be repaired. We have been told that certain roads will not be repaved until all construction is complete, which is years away. Residents have to deal with pothole patch jobs until then. Note: Winter repairs will not last long due to the cold temperatures. 

Abandoned Vehicles

Metro 311 and the Police should be notified of abandoned vehicles.