MSD is responsible for approving any proposed development within Jefferson County. They are also responsible for monitoring the developers adherence to their proposal. MSD is responsible for ensuring that any development proposed will have the same pre and post flood storage and flood retention, as well as ensure there is no additional runoff, additional chemicals, or waste being added to the river.
Please email MSD about flooding and erosion concerns along Floyds Fork.
Please email MSD if you see a development that has mud flowing into the streets and into the sewers. This is a direct violation of the developer and must be addressed immediately.
Please note: The people at MSD do care about water and water quality. They have concern over what is happening and want to help. However, they have limitations just like every other business or government agency. As concerned citizens, we can help them by bringing things to their attention. They cannot be everywhere or see all that is happening. Anything we can do to help them will help Floyds Fork and our communities.
Facebook: MSD
Rain Gauge Map:
High Velocity Baffle that has been in use by MSD for ~20 years
WDRB article about Floyds Fork waste water treatment plant