Get Involved

Citizen Engagement

This page is dedicated to sharing the impactful engagement opportunities while still providing multiple options. 

Impactful Engagement
Knowing the latest development activity in the Floyds Fork Watershed
Sign-up for the Louisville Keep Your Fork newsletter
Sign-up for the Metro Louisville Council member newsletter
Writing personal emails to Metro Council Member
Writing the Case Manager regarding safety and environmental concerns
Attending neighborhood meetings
Getting others to do the same

Less Impactful Engagement
Spending emotional energy at neighborhood meetings
Believing that speaking up at neighborhood meetings will impact the development
Neighborhood meetings are a checkbox to the developer. We have never seen a meaningful change come from neighbor feedback
Writing Case Managers about your "concerns" (they primarily look at the LDC, sadly your "concerns" are nullified by "the experts")

See Something, Say Something

Don't just watch and think, "I'm sure someone is looking into it."
They aren't.

Citizen Engagement.pdf

In all communication:
Please Be Kind and Courteous